Cypraea hammondae raysummersi, Schilder 1960

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Cypraea hammondae raysummersi, Schilder 1960

Ces petites Cypraea hammondae raysummersi sont communes aux Philippines. Elle est surtout difficile a séparer des autres formes de Cypraea hammondae. J' ai identifier ces quatre là grace à ''A Guide of Worldwide Cowries''. Achetées sur Ebay, taille: 14, 13, 12 et +11 mm.

These small Cypraea hammondae raysummersi are common in the Philippines. It is especially difficult to separate from other forms of Cypraea hammondae. I have identified these four there with help of ''A Guide of Worldwide Cowries''. Purchased on Ebay: 14, 13, 12 and +11 mm.
